Jacket: North Face / Scarf: Gift / Mittens: Gift / Hat: Old Navy / Shoes: Target / Lipstick: Colour Pop Matte Lip in Bumble
All tuckered out! :)
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I got to do a little bit of pet-sitting for friends over the holidays and couldn't resist going outside to play with the puppy! We were lucky enough to get a couple of days of gorgeous, warm winter weather (30 degrees is considered warm for a Wisconsin winter!) and it was the perfect end to our holiday weekend. I love watching animals because they are so happy in living their simple lives. A sweet puppy getting way too excited about the snow, my cuddly old cat napping in the sunshine - they don't need expensive things or a perfect life to be happy. They're simply happy with the things that they have and watching them always reminds me to try to live my life that way, too.
I hope your holidays were absolutely wonderful!