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Hello, friends! It’s been a minute since I posted over on the blog and I’ve missed it so, so much. Grad school is in a word - insane- and it has been a huge wake up call for me to have deadlines, and presentations, and papers all over again! I guess that’s what happens when you work for 3 years and forget what it’s like to have homework :P
Anyway, enough of my ramblings - what better way to get back into blogging than a little review of my favorite subscription box! BeautyFix is a monthly skincare, makeup, and haircare subscription box created by Dermstore. A monthly subscription is $24.95 per box and a one-time box purchase is $34.95. Most items in the box are either full or deluxe sample size products.
November 2018
November Box Faves:
Lancer: Omega Hydrate Oil - I’ve been loving facial oils for a while now and they can be quite expensive. Although a single bottle can last you a while (since you’re really only using 2-5 drops at a time, it’s still a tough pill to swallow when a single bottle can set you back $50+! This hydrating oil is a full-size product and since it goes for $75 normally, this thing pays for the entire box three times over!
Tarte Amazonian Clay Bronzer in Park Avenue Princess - I’m a big fan of Tarte products and honestly haven’t disliked a single product I’ve tried from them! I’ve used this bronzer a handful of times and love that there’s a bit of shimmer in it but not enough that it draws a ton of attention.
November Box Flops:
I don’t have any particular flops this month as it was a pretty good month product-wise, however, it was really apparent to me that the box had way fewer products than I’m used to with BeautyFix. Although this might be a function of the fact that the full-size product this month has a really high retail price, this month’s box was noticeably smaller quantity wise than previous months.
October 2018
Miss de Gaspe Beaute: Anti-Aging Hydrating Mask - Similar Set $32
October Box Faves:
Sanitas Skincare: Lemon Cream Scrub - I am a huge, huge fan of the Dr. Brandt PoreDermabrasian products, so my standards are abnormally high when it comes to exfoliating products, however, I was super impressed by this scrub! It smells amazing and I would argue is pretty close in quality to the fine exfoliating experience you get from the Dr. Brandt line for less cost.
Alterna Anti-Frizz Dry Oil Mist - I was also thoroughly impressed with this dry oil mist! Normally, the oils I use on my hair tend to weigh it down just a little bit even if they’re super light, but this dry oil mist doesn’t feel heavy at all and achieves the same smoothing effect.
October Box Flops:
Rituals: The Ritual of Dao Balancing Foam Shower Gel - I didn’t particularly love the scent of this shower gel which made it just okay for me. While I like the idea of a foaming shower gel I actually found it difficult to get the foam out of the pump! Maybe it was just the bottle I received, but unfortunately combined with the meh scent, this will definitely not be a re-buy for me.
Glytone: Ultra Softening Heel and Elbow Cream - The instructions for this product tell you to put on the cream, leave it on several minutes, and then to wash it off. I think this can be a bit misleading since it’s labeled a cream, rather than some sort of exfoliant. Plus, at least for me, the cream really burned while it was on my skin and even a bit after I’d already rinsed it off. This might be a good product for people who need an intense exfoliant for heels or elbows, but it was too much for my skin.
I hope you enjoyed this little BeautyFix review! Let me know if there are any other beauty boxes you’d like to see me try or any products you want to hear more about!