I Tried Slow Mornings for a Month | Something New


Hi, friends! Today I'm sharing another post in my Something New series where I try a little something new each month. This month, I tried out a slow morning ritual - find out how it went below!

Why did I start trying slow mornings?

Welp, it probably doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out, but, like many of you, I've been experiencing more anxiety over the past 6 or so months since the start of the pandemic. Some days are total trash and some days are happy. I'm lucky in that my anxiety is pretty mild and I don't experience panic attacks - but there are certainly days where I find it really hard to focus on my work or relax because I'm so distracted by being anxious about the state of the world, my life, my career - [insert anything here].

Enter slow mornings.

I read and watch a lot of “self-help” style content and have always been enamored by the idea of having this super duper morning ritual that sets me up for the rest of the day. The philosophy of taking care of yourself and putting on your own mask before putting someone else's on resonates with my own general life philosophy, so, in an effort to try and calm the EFF down in the midst of a pandemic I decided to give slow mornings a shot 🙂


My pre-slow mornings routine:

  • 6:00-6:30 am wake up

  • 6:30-7:00 feed the cats + caffeinate

  • 7:00am + plop in front of the computer and start working.

  • Somewhere between 10-12: hit a productivity wall and do a workout to get blood circulation back up to my brain in the hopes of achieving something in the afternoon haha.

My slow morning routine:

  • 6:00-6:30 am wake up

  • 6:30-7:00 feed the cats, tidy up the apartment

  • 7:00-8:00 workout

  • 8:00-8:30 shower, skincare, putting on makeup and generally getting ready for the day

  • 8:30-9:30 caffeinate, journal, meditate, listen to a podcast or read depending on my mood

  • 9:30-10:00 am start my work day


So, did it work?

TL;DR sort of 😝

The slow morning routine I created was long and extensive. Some parts of it worked and other parts of it didn’t. BUT that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work for you! I still love the idea of having a cozy, lovely little morning ritual to set up the day - but maybe an extensive slow morning routine isn’t the best approach for someone like me, and here’s why.

What I've learned about myself over the years is that if I want to get something difficult or daunting done, I have to do it in the morning. I really hit the ground running first thing in the morning and am able to work harder and make much more mentally taxing decisions In the mornings (e.g., making financial investment-related decisions, pulling the trigger on submitting papers for my PhD, sending emails I’ve been putting off - etc.). Any big decision I've ever made or anything scary that I've been putting off always ends up getting done first thing in the morning.

As much as I'd love to have a slow morning to take care of myself for hours at a time, it's not something that is practical when my mental strength is at its highest in the morning. It’s not that I'm not capable of doing things at other times, but anything that requires lots of thought and decision making willpower has to be done first thing. Spending my mornings enjoying the quiet and taking care of myself was wonderful but it isn't a ritual that is a good use of my time. Essentially by spending a huge chunk of my morning hours doing this slow morning routine, I was losing hours where I was most decisive, driven, and productive. For those of you who struggle with getting up in the mornings or are most productive in the afternoons, however, having a slow morning routine might be perfect for you!


All of that being said, I won't be ditching all of my routines just yet. I still enjoyed working out as well as journaling first thing in the morning, so rather than ditching all of the slow morning rituals, I'm going to try out doing a shorter morning ritual instead - and I'll try to post an update soon! 🙂

Have you tried a slow morning routine? I'd love to hear how you've incorporated it into your daily life and what routines you've tried or want to try!


Thoughts on Productivity | Day in the Life of a PhD Student


The good and the bad thing about being a PhD student is that there is no one way to do things. PhD students face a lot of pressure to constantly be productive and to constantly be working but, in my experience, this isn't sustainable - and most importantly - it doesn't make me happy! Some grad students I know work long hours 5 days a week and then take weekends off. Some of them wake up at noon and work late into the night. Others have families at home and stick to a very strict 9-5 schedule. There's really no one right way to do it, but the lack of transparency when it comes to when and how much PhD students work can lead us into a deep dark pit of self-comparison.

For me, seeing how other PhD students, post-docs, and faculty spend their days has been extremely helpful in creating realistic expectations for my own productivity. So in an effort to try and shed some light on productivity in academia, here's a glimpse into one day in my life as a PhD student (in written and IGTV form!) - with hopefully many more to come as my schedule evolves and changes over the years!

Watch the IGTV version of this day in the life here!


6:00-6:30 am Wake-up! Since the beginning of quarantine, I've been trying to be better about listening to my body so I don't set any alarms and I let my brain wake up when it wants to which tends to be between 6 and 6:30 because I'm a natural early bird! The first thing I do in the morning is feed my cats and make coffee. Some of the phd students in my cohort don't drink coffee so it's clearly possible to be a fully functioning grad student without caffeine - but this isn't a reality for me 🙂

6:30-7:00 am Journaling. I've started journaling first thing in the morning because I've found that it helps to curb my anxiety a lot if I've reflected on my own insecurities and given myself a pep talk at the start of the day.


7:15 am Workout. Since quarantine started, I've been working out mostly in the mornings because that’s when my motivation to workout is highest. If it’s past noon, you can usually kiss my chances of working out goodbye haha :)

8:30 am Time to get to work! I usually tackle my emails first, but this changes depending on the day. My days are a mix of research, teaching, and all the admin in between. On this particular day, I was running a study and approving payments to participants.


I know some academics who designate certain days to do teaching and some to do research but I prefer to have it all mixed together because I have a tendency to get easily bored by doing one task all day! I use the pomodoro method with my pomodoro timer (working in 20-25 minute intervals) to keep myself on track.

9:45 am I had meetings and office hours this day so I got ready for the day. 9:45 might seem a bit late to get ready for the day but I typically prefer to schedule my meetings for later in the day because I am most productive in the morning and want to be able to tackle projects during that protected morning time.

10:00 am Continuing work by preparing lectures and grading student submissions.


2:20 pm Decided to do a bit of decluttering around the house. I have really been taking advantage of this time at home to declutter and try to create an ideal space for my life. Shoes were my target today. For someone who doesn't wear heels often, I own a lot of heels :P I'm sure many of you can relate!

2:40 pm Back to work creating more notes for my lecture. My standing desk is one of my favorite tools for productivity in the middle of the day. To try to combat boredom during the workday I take breaks, switch between standing and sitting, and will switch spots throughout my apartment.

3:30 pm My lecture notes are prepped and ready to go so I recorded my video lecture with my iPad. This semester I'm teaching a hybrid format class where all of my lectures are online videos.


6:00 pm Wine time! I like to wrap up all of my work by around 6 pm and spend time with my fiance in the evenings. He works until around 5 pm and time is a precious resource so I try to make the most of the time we have together in the evenings.

6:30 pm Tonight's activity: making an amazing apple crisp because FALL!

9:00 pm Bedtime!


As you can see, I generally follow an 8:30-6:00 schedule from Monday through Friday but the flip side of this is that I usually work half days on the weekends. The great thing about pursuing an academic career is the flexibility you have to work when and where you want, but oftentimes this means a lot of responsibilities that don't always neatly fall into a 40 hour workweek. Because I work on most weekends though, I usually give myself some leniency on weekday afternoons if I'm feeling burnt out or unmotivated. This is just the way I prefer to work and it may not work for everyone!

This year, I'm a dissertator, meaning I no longer have to take my own classes. This has meant I have a lot more control of my own schedule because I no longer have exams or coursework of my own to complete. I now have more teaching responsibilities and need to focus on research more, but for me, this is a welcome change because I truly enjoy the teaching process whereas I didn't enjoy going to classes quite as much! If you're curious about my days before I was a dissertator, check out my instagram day in the life highlights!

Thanks so much for following along with my day in the PhD life! If you have any questions about PhD life, let me know in the comments - I’d love to create more posts or videos to shed more light on what life is like as a PhD student!


Quarantine Favorites for Maintaining Sanity | September Favorites 2020

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click or purchase a product through these links I may earn a small commission. Thanks for your support of my blog!


Happy Sunday, friends! This past month has definitely been a bit of a slog for me with the fall semester up and rolling again. Although my responsibilities are not too overwhelming on the surface, I'm finding it extremely hard to get and stay motivated to do my work when even the slightest bit of news will throw my whole mental state out of wack. I'm still in the process of trying to adjust to this new normal but here are some of the things that have helped me in the process of building a more fulfilling hygge-filled at-home quarantine life ❤️



Whenever I'm bored during the workday, I always find myself dawdling in the kitchen looking for a snack or going to make another coffee telling myself I'm hungry or tired when in reality I'm just bored. Instead of going to grab another snack, I've replaced most of my kitchen trips with sodastream visits to keep my brain entertained but knock the unhealthy habit of constant snacking. I love adding either a bit of lemon or mango juice to my sparkling water during the day and in the evenings, it also serves as a nice mixer for cocktails! 🙂


The Soap Opera

The Soap Opera is a local business based in Madison, where I'm located - but if you're not in Madison, they also offer U.S. shipping - a feature I've definitely used during the past 6 months when I don't want to risk visiting in person. They have pretty much any bath or body product you could ever need and a whole host of essential oil products as well. During quarantine, I've gotten really into using essential oils and The Soap Opera has about every scent under the sun! They've also become my go-to for hand sanitizer because you can pick the essential oil scent you want in your sanitizer and they ship it all in reused packaging in an effort to be more sustainable - aaaaall my favorite things under one roof! 🙂


Nexcare Acne Patches

Y'all. I've been low-key obsessed with these acne patches for a couple of years now, but they've become an essential now with the rise of the dreaded mask acne. My skin is generally moderate to mild when it comes to acne but if I'm wearing a mask all day I'll usually end up developing a couple pimples here and there. These acne patches suck up all of the goop and gunk in your pores so you can just pop a patch on and wake up the next morning with a significantly smaller, if not completely flattened pimple. In my experience, they've sped up the healing process by at least a couple of days, if not weeks, and have quickly become a staple in my stash of acne products.


Howard Lite Earplugs

Being home all of the time means your neighbors are also home all of the time and as an old lady who goes to bed at 9 pm every night these earplugs have become my favorite things in the whole wide world. While I generally don't have a problem with a couple of noises here and there, when it's past like 7 pm and I start to get cranky, I become super sensitive and easily irritated by noise. I've used a lot of earplugs in the past but none have been as effective as these ones. I discovered these earplugs when we stayed in a noisy 1st floor airbnb that provided them to help guests sleep better. These earplugs have been a life saver. They block out about 95% of the noise which allows me to sleep better and sleep-in longer as well.


Zojirushi Travel Mug

Alright, this one is for those of you who share a smaller space with your sig other or roommates. My fiancee works mostly in our living/kitchen area which is great and all... until you realize he frequently has back-to-back meetings from 7:30 am until 3:00 pm and your coffee maker is "too loud" for his zoom meetings 😭Rather than get into fights about this (not that we haven't already haha - oops) the temporary solution I've come up with is to fill my Zojirushi travel mug with 3 cups worth of coffee so I can take it in to the bedroom and not get upset about the whole no-access-to-my-coffee situation. Zojirushi's are THE best travel mugs in the world by a landslide. They honestly keep hot water piping hot for 5-6 hours after the fact and actually do such a good job of keeping things hot that you have to be careful not to burn your tongue when drinking out of them.


Shop Favorites:

Hope you all are staying healthy out there during these crazy dumpster fire of a year. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re not being the most productive or happiest human being in the world. You’re doing the best you can. This is just a hard situation. Sending all of you lots and lots of love.
